I'm Embarrassed About My Varicose Veins

More than a third of adults suffer from varicose veins, twisted, bulging, purplish-blue veins that tend to appear most commonly on your lower legs. In addition to uncomfortable symptoms like burning, cramping, and itching, most people find these veins unattractive, often going to great lengths to hide or camouflage them.
Varicose veins are a sign of a circulation problem — a problem that needs to be medically treated. The good news: Besides improving blood flow in the area, varicose vein treatment eliminates damaged veins, so your skin looks clearer and smoother, too.
At TLC Medical Group Inc. in Port St. Lucie, Florida, Anthony B. Lewis, MD, FACC, and his team offer several options for varicose vein treatment, helping women and men relieve discomfort and feel confident about how their skin looks.
Why varicose veins happen
Most of us know our heart pumps blood through our bodies, pushing blood forward through our arteries with every beat. Once our blood reaches our veins, it needs some assistance to keep it flowing forward on its journey back to our lungs and heart.
As it turns out, our veins are well-equipped for that job. Our veins contain a series of tiny valves that open and close rapidly. These valves prevent blood from flowing backward and continue the forward flow that keeps blood flowing in the right direction.
Sometimes, one or more valves become weak or damaged, so blood flow in that area is impaired. Blood backs up behind the valve, creating a bulging, weak area in the vein, which is what we see as a twisted, purplish, swollen, varicose vein.
Varicose veins tend to become more common as we age, but they’re also associated with risk factors like:
- Smoking
- Obesity
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Spending a lot of time on your feet
- Hormone treatments, like birth control
- Family history of varicose veins
Varicose veins are also more common among women and during pregnancy.
Treating varicose veins
Dr. Lewis is experienced in multiple techniques to treat varicose veins so he can recommend the right treatment for you.
Radiofrequency (RF) ablation
Many patients benefit from a minimally invasive procedure that applies bursts of RF energy to the vein walls. The energy gently heats the vein, causing it to collapse. Blood is rerouted to neighboring healthy veins, and your body absorbs the damaged vein over time. Dr. Lewis uses two state-of-the-art systems — ClosureFast™ and VENCLOSE™ — to perform this technique.
Phlebectomy is a time-tested therapy for varicose veins that focuses on removing the damaged vein through a series of tiny incisions or “punctures” made in your skin. Dr. Lewis uses a special instrument to grasp the vein and remove it through the incisions. Afterward, the incisions are closed with bandages or a special surgical glue.
Also used to treat tiny spider veins, sclerotherapy can also be a very effective treatment for smaller varicose veins. Dr. Lewis injects a special solution into the damaged vein in this treatment. The solution irritates the vein lining, causing it to collapse and be absorbed by your body over time.
Enjoy clearer skin and better vein health
Don’t let varicose veins make you feel embarrassed or self-conscious about your appearance. Dr. Lewis has a solution that can help. To learn more, call 772-200-3829 or request an appointment online with the team at TLC Medical Group today.
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