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Which Type of Echocardiogram Do I Need?

Which Type of Echocardiogram Do I Need?

Electrocardiograms or EKGs may be the most familiar type of cardiac testing, but it’s definitely not the only type. In fact, while an EKG is certainly important, it’s limited by its brevity and also because it only measures the heart’s electrical activity.

For a more detailed overview of your heart’s function and structure, Anthony B. Lewis MD, FACC, and his team frequently prescribed a test called an echocardiogram for patients at TLC Medical Group Inc. Here, learn more about echocardiograms and the three types of tests that can be used to assess your heart health.

Understanding echocardiograms

Echocardiograms are aptly named because they use the physical properties of echoes to create detailed images of your heart. During an echocardiogram, a device called a transducer emits ultrasound waves. These waves penetrate your skin and other tissues.

When the ultrasound waves encounter a structure, like your heart wall or valves, the waves bounce back, creating an echo effect that’s captured by the transducer. That data is transmitted to the ultrasound machine that uses special software to create detailed images of your heart.

Ultrasound is especially useful for heart imaging because it can show the physical details of your heart’s structure and how your heart is functioning, including how well blood is flowing in and out of your heart. Our team routinely uses echocardiograms to diagnose coronary artery disease and other types of heart disease and to evaluate issues like:

echocardiograms can also evaluate how well your heart is performing, making them a valuable tool for diagnosing heart failure. And, of course, regular echocardiograms are very useful for monitoring the effectiveness of treatments.

Three types of echocardiograms

Dr. Lewis offers three basic types of echocardiograms, selecting the best option based on your symptoms, anatomy, and other factors.

Transthoracic echocardiogram

This is the most common type of echocardiogram, widely used as a general tool to assess your heart’s structure and function. Also called a TTE or chest echo, a transthoracic echocardiogram uses a handheld transducer that’s placed on your skin. 

As the transducer passes over your chest, those ultrasound waves penetrate your chest wall, bouncing off your heart and its surrounding structures. TTEs are completely painless, and most tests are completed in about half an hour.

Transesophageal echocardiogram

Sometimes, your anatomy or other issues may prevent a TTE from obtaining the detailed images Dr. Lewis needs to evaluate your heart’s structure and function thoroughly. In these instances, he may order a transesophageal echocardiogram.

This type of echocardiogram uses a transducer designed to pass through your esophagus, allowing it to rest very close to your heart. A transesophageal echocardiogram may be better for a person with considerable scar tissue or fatty tissue that prevents clear imaging through the chest wall. It also provides more detail for specific heart issues, like blood clots or infections.

Stress echocardiogram

Stress echocardiograms are designed to evaluate how your heart responds to physical activity (or stress). Ultrasound images are taken of your heart before and after exercise and then compared.

In this test, you use a treadmill or stationary bicycle to increase your heart rate to a predetermined threshold. If you can’t exercise, medication is used to increase your heart’s activity safely. Once you reach that threshold, your provider uses an ultrasound device to produce the “after” images that show how your heart responds to stress.

Dr. Lewis recommends each type of echocardiogram following a detailed and comprehensive heart health evaluation to ensure you receive optimal care at every step of your journey.

Your healthy heart is our priority

Echocardiograms play an important role in managing your heart health and diagnosing the cause of symptoms you may be experiencing. To learn more about these and other tests and evaluations we offer, call 772-200-3829 or request an appointment online with the team at TLC Medical Group in Port St. Lucie, Florida, today. 

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